June 14, 2014
Elder victims of domestic violence have new shelter options
BUFFALO, N.Y. (WIVB) – Local skilled nursing and assisted living facilities will provide temporary shelter and care to older victims of domestic violence. The shelter network will open on June 15 in observance of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.
Facilities from Absolut Care and the McGuire Group have agreed to provide the shelter network to those who have fallen victim to violence at the hands of a spouse, partner, family member or caretaker.
The Erie County Sheriff’s Office says there are more than 1,500 reported cases of elder abuse in Erie County each year, but it’s believed far more cases go unreported. A study in Rochester finds only five percent of elder abuse cases are reported to law enforcement.
This has been a collaborative effort involving The Council on Elder Abuse, Legal Services for the Elderly, Disabled or Disadvantaged of Western New York, Inc., and the Crisis Services Advocate Program.
The Council cites help from State Senators Mark Grisanti and Patrick Gallivan, as well as grants from the NYS Department of Criminal Justice Services and the NYS Bar Association in developing the shelter network.